
Men’s Retreat (April 26-28)

Please join us for our men’s retreat. Pastor David Chae will be leading our time together. Please sign up here. All men are invited. We hope to see you there!

Seeking teachers

Children’s ministry is looking for teachers to serve on Sundays. Please let Pastor Daniel or one of the leaders know if you are interested in helping.

Our Worship Services

We hold in-person worship services on Sundays at 10 am. It has been so nice to meet together and praise the Lord. We also want to offer our stream online for those that aren’t fully comfortable yet.

Tithes and offerings can be given online by clicking on the “Give” icon on the top right hand corner of the page. If giving in person, please use a colored offering envelope (for English Ministry).

We know that this is a challenging time for everyone. Please feel free to get in contact if there’s anything that the church can do to help support you.